Channel: Strictly Better MtG
Category: Gaming
Tags: magicstandardmardumardu combokamigawadeck techdeckstrictly better mtgbestmagic the gatheringtop 10tournamentarenatolarian community collegestorm the festivaldevdecklistdraftgamesneodecksbudgetmtgtrue crimeselesnyafestivaledhcombobantlistshigekiopeninglegenvdmtganew capennasbmtgmtg arenaspoilerspreviewsgolgarimtgounsolvedtop 3gameplaycgb
Description: Kamigawa has been out for a bout a month now, and although standard is more fun than it's been in a while, it's still beginning to stale, with the best decks rising to the top of the meta. But there are multiple decks that are vying for attention, and with more eyeballs on them and a few tweaks here and there, they have the potential to upset even the best decks in the format... Mardu Combo: Bant Festival: Golgari Shigeki: Twitch: Patreon: Dank Jank - The Return of Burn Bright: Top 10 Forgotten Cards in Kamigawa Standard: #Mtg #Unsolved Strictly Better Mtg is a Magic: the Gathering Channel that does videos on everything Magic the Gathering. We do Mtg Deck Techs, Mtg set reviews, Mtg spoilers, mtg news, mtg speculation, mtg top 10 lists, and much, much more mtg related ish! Category Gaming